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Anger Management Elimination

Anger Management Elimination

Author: Daniel Malchi

Anger shouldn't be managed

Anger should be eliminated

Learn how to eliminate your anger

You wont need to apologize for your tantrums again.

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If you are fed up with the damage you are causing in your life because of the outbursts of anger (which you apologize for afterwards).

Well, you are in for a treat, because even though we have grown in a society that has accepted the norm that the only solution to anger is: Anger Management.
The Author proposes that Anger Elimination is not only possible, but the correct name for resolving this behavior.

The Author claims he himself has already reached anger elimination and now wants to share his secrets with you.

The Author has had to deal with impossible people in his lifetime which forced him to reach emotional mastery. He now wishes to share his secrets with you in a series of books dedicated to improving your life through understanding how humans work.
Are you ready to improve yourself in ways that you didn't think were possible by eliminating anger from your life?
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  • "So Emotionally Intelligent"

    This book has literally improved my kids behavior overnite. I started reading the book and I couldn't stop

  • "Easy to read"

    This book is so easy to read. It's effortless and pleasureable to read this book.

  • "Too short"

    This book is a little bit shorter than I would expect but it does exactly whats on the cover, and anyway I didn't pay much for it

  • "Instant Donwload"

    Thank you for the fast download. I used the coupon and the book was in my inbox in under 10 seconds! Fantastic system!

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